29 May Instant Noodle Workshop
We are trilled to invite Elia Nurvista on behalf of Bakudapan Food Study Group to lead a workshop related to degrowth and unlearning which will also give space for conversation with her and amongst all of us.
Elia Nurvista (born 1983) explores a wide range of art mediums with an interdisciplinary approach and focuses on the discourse on food. Through food, she intends to scrutinize power, social, and economic inequality in this world.
In 2015 she initiated Bakudapan, a food study group, with colleagues from different disciplines such as anthropology and philosophy. Bakudapan runs on the principle of complementarity and camaraderie between its members. With Bakudapan she has conducted research on food within the socio-political and cultural context. She is also part of Struggles for Sovereignty, the solidarity platform on Land, Water, Farming, Food.
About the workshop:
The workshop is exploring the idea of time, productivity and labor. Through cooking the instant noodles and serving them exactly as the visual appearance on their packaging, we try to dismantle how time is valued and the various aspects that shape it.
All the participants were required to choose an instant noodle to cook, with an image of how it should be served (usually looks like a proper dish) and prepared the ingredients (and the cooking tools) as they needed, according to the image.
Before the workshop we can inform the participants to put the camera on their best position which can show the cooking process (optional).
Duration :
60-90 minutes
What we need :
- Instant noodle with good looking dish packaging
- Kitchen tools based on the chosen dishes
- Laptop / phone with camera point on the cooking view.
Technicalities :
- Using zoom or other online platforms.
- Starting with an introduction of the workshop and the technical things include camera view (10 mins)
- And continued introduction by the participants, including showing their chosen instant noodle. (10 mins)
- Start cooking (with the back sound if it is needed?) (30 mins)
- Presentation (and maybe eating together) (30 mins)